Mi chiamo Stefano, vivo a Genova e faccio l’archeologo. Questo è il blog dove scrivo.
I didn’t know Aaron Swartz. And yet his tragic end touched me a lot. I saw some friends and colleagues react strongly in the weeks following his death, as strong as you can be in front of a tragedy at…
An Early Christian basilica in Turin (Torino)
La Repubblica.it reports that recent excavations in Turin (Torino) have brought to light an Early Christian basilica. That is the third Early Christian complex found in late Roman Augusta Taurinorum. Most interestingly, it is much further away from the city…
Introducing the Nobel Prize in Literature Index
I have been thinking about my own ignorance in culture recently, questioning my self-perception as an intellectual. A good example of this is how many Nobel laureates in Literature I have never bothered to read at all. In some cases…
Blogging archaeology: the good, the bad and the ugly
This is round #2 of the blogging archaeology carnival run by Doug Rocks-Macqueen. My previous post is here. The good The good is that blogging makes me a better archaeologist. Blogging is a collective endeavour and being part of it…
Libri 2013
Anche quest’anno una recensione sommaria dei libri che ho letto. Sempre troppo pochi. Libri vecchi e libri nuovi. Impressioni incoerenti. Questa non è una classifica. Wu Ming 1, Roberto Santachiara. Point Lenana Il mio libro del 2013. Perché? Primo, perché…
La prossima volta,
La prossima volta che sentite parlare di nuove tecnologie per i beni culturali. La prossima volta che vedete la favolosa scansione 3D di un monumento. La prossima volta che vi raccontano che il web e il museo e il futuro…
Bello il discorso di George Saunders agli studenti
Bello il discorso di George Saunders agli studenti. L’unica cosa che non ho capito è perché abbiano tagliato la parte in cui dice “Stay hungry, stay foolish”. Perché da qualche parte là fuori c’è ancora qualche minchione convinto che quell’altro…
Archaeology and Django: mind your jargon
I have been writing small Django apps for archaeology since 2009 ‒ Django 1.0 had been released a few months earlier. I love Django as a programming framework: my initial choice was based on the ORM, at that time the…
Blogging archaeology: late to the party
Doug Rocks-Macqueen started a blogging carnival at his blog. I am only 11 days late to the party, so here you have the November steko-blogging-samba. Why did you start a blog? Honest: I was not aware I was starting a…
Upgraded to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0) license
You may have heard already about the new version of the Creative Commons family of licenses, released as 4.0. It contains a lot of improvements and there has been a tremendous effort towards standardisation. There will be translations but the…