Mi chiamo Stefano, vivo a Genova e faccio l’archeologo. Questo è il blog dove scrivo.
The Annales Regni Francorum are a (rather boring) official chronicle of the early Carolingians, covering the years from 741 to 829. I remember studying the historiography of this period in the two classes of Medieval Latin Literature I’ve been following…
New Planning Policy: cambia anche l’archeologia inglese
L’archeologia italiana ha un debito nei confronti dell’archeologia inglese, maturato nel corso degli anni 1970 e ancora in crescita, anche se ad un ritmo non paragonabile a quello del periodo 1970-1990. Per questo, e forse anche per altre ragioni, quello…
L’archeologia nell’archivio Luce
9452 balli, 7700 gambe, 5608 miss, 33813 sfilate, 20451 sport, 8326 pasti … insomma, c’è veramente di tutto nei 29537 video che l’Istituto Luce ha messo a disposizione tramite YouTube. Ma quanta archeologia c’è? Senza dubbio, tantissima, vista l’importanza che…
Total Open Station packaged for OpenSUSE
Thanks to Angelos Tzotzos (Remote Sensing Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens) Total Open Station has an installable package for OpenSUSE, since a few weeks. Installing is as easy as: $ sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Application:/Geo/openSUSE_12.1/ GEO $ sudo zypper refresh…
New GPG key
I’ve had a GPG key since 2001 (laughing at my e-mail address at that time is allowed, but not encouraged). My current GPG key was created in 2004, and the keysize is 1024 bits. While not urgent, it is a…
CulturaItalia passa al pubblico dominio, salvo controindicazioni
Riprendendo uno scambio di e-mail avvenuto ieri, ricopio alcuni commenti che ho fatto sulla bozza della nuova licenza per i fornitori dei contenuti di CulturaItalia. In breve, CulturaItalia raccoglie metadati su tutto il patrimonio culturale italiano da una molteplicità di…
Ten days in Athens, part 1: Levantine Ceramics
I am currently based in Amsterdam until sometime in mid-2012, but in February I have been in Athens for ten days, doing a few interesting things. During the first weekend of February I’ve been attending the First Workshop on Levantine…
Joining the Advisory Board of the Journal of Open Archaeology Data
I’m joining the Advisory Board of the Journal of Open Archaeology Data. The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD ‒ @up_joad) is an open access, peer reviewed journal for data papers describing deposited archaeological datasets. JOAD is published by Ubiquity…
Rural population in the Early Middle Ages: again historians vs archaeologists!
On 24th February 2012 I attended a lecture by Frans Theuws (Faculteit der Archeologie – Universiteit Leiden) about The Free and Unfree of the Historians and the Rural Population of the Archaeologists. It was part of a day-long conference held…