Introducing the Nobel Prize in Literature Index

I have been thinking about my own ignorance in culture recently, questioning my self-perception as an intellectual.

A good example of this is how many Nobel laureates in Literature I have never bothered to read at all. In some cases books were only assignments in highschool, but I think that counts as education after all.

You can share my feeling of inadequate ignorance, too. Open the list of Nobel laureates in literature. Count how many authors you have read, only complete works or substantial parts are valid. The resulting number is your NoPLi index.

Mine is a shameful 8.


4 risposte a “Introducing the Nobel Prize in Literature Index”

  1. io ho un libro con dedica e autografo di Seamus Heaney!

  2. Avatar Stefano Costa
    Stefano Costa

    Questo vale sicuramente doppio! Ma il tuo punteggio totale? È dura averlo più basso del mio.

  3. 12 , ma il mio preferito, smisuratamente, è Yeats!

  4. 20, highschool assignments included.

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