IOSACal is an open source program for calibration of radiocarbon dates.

A few days ago I released version 0.4, that can be installed from PyPI or from source. The documentation and website is at as usual. You will need to have Python 3 already installed.

The main highlight of this release are the new classes for summed probability distributions (SPD) and paleodemography, contributed by Mario Gutiérrez-Roig as part of his work for the PALEODEM project at IPHES.

A bug affecting calibrated date ranges extending to the present was corrected.

On the technical side the most notable changes are the following:

  • requires NumPy 1.14, SciPy 1.1 and Matplotlib 2.2
  • removed dependencies on obsolete functions
  • improved the command line interface

You can cite IOSACal in your work with the DOI This helps the author and contributors to get some recognition for creating and maintaining this software free for everyone.


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