Research papers and case studies using iosacal

I have updated the documentation of iosacal with a new page that lists all research papers and case studies where the software gets a mention for being used.

A collage of figures from the papers using iosacal

The list is at and it’s longer than I thought, with 6 papers ranging from Norway to Antarctica, from the Last Glacial Maximum to the European Middle Ages.

It’s humbling to see this small piece of software find its way in so many research projects and I’m learning a lot by studying these publications.

Some authors contributed to iosacal with new features and bug fixes, and that is the most accurate metric of a healthy project that I can think of.

I’m going to add more useful content to the documentation as the main focus of the 0.7 release. In the meantime, you can continue using iosacal 0.6 in your research projects.


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