Autore: Stefano Costa

  • JGR

    Sometimes I just need to show how R is good without scaring too much people, typing commands on the command line. That’s why I installed JGR. Unfortunately, there’s no binary package for it in my distribution, so I used the classic install.packages(). JGR has a bug though, and as far as I know it hasn’t…

  • Quantitative Archaeology Wiki

    After some months of testing, we eventually got this new wiki started. Some content is already available on Quantitative Archaeology Wiki. I got off Wikia and chose to start a new wiki on my webserver using Dokuwiki. Dokuwiki is cool, not only because it runs on text files and doesn’t need MySQL or another database.…

  • KerGIS?

    KerGIS est un Système d’Information Géométrique topologique dérivé de la dernière version du logiciel en domaine public G.R.A.S.S.® (Geographical Resources Analysis Support System) telle que publiée par U.S. Army C.E.R.L. (Construction Engineering Research Laboratory). I ignored totally the existence of such a piece of software.

  • yafc ‒ Yet Another FTP Client

    Graphical FTP clients available for my operating system actually suck. Let me know if I am wrong. The good ol’ command line ftp is no better, anyway. So with debtags I found out yafc. It’s great. Help pages for single commands are more than one screen long and each command has dozens of options. Everywhere…


    RSeek is a new vertical search engine about the R (not-just-statistical) Software. You can add it in your browser’s search bar, and it’s really useful because usually I get crazy with queries like “r graphics” that give me tons of results that have nothing to do with R. By the way, if you don’t know…

  • LaTeX colorbox and text alignment

    Today I found out that when you use a colorbox statement in your LaTeX code, you have to put comments at the end of the lines inside all text environments where you want to keep offsest and text alignment right. Just like this: begin{center} includegraphics[width=.5textwidth]{logo.png} vspace{10ex} begin{Huge} texttt{% textbf{% colorbox[rgb]{0.137255, 0.137255, 0.862745}% {textcolor[rgb]{1, 1, 1}{g}}ruppo%…

  • Luciana Littizzetto

    Da parecchio tempo ormai la domenica sera il popolo della sinistra (anzi, di una certa sinistra) ha un appuntamento fisso: Fabio Fazio e il suo programma cultural-meteorologico. Quando questa trasmissione era iniziata, non si può negare che fosse drasticamente migliore di qualsiasi altro programma televisivo di pseudo-intrattenimento, soprattutto trasmesso in un orario così inconsueto. Oramai,…

  • Creative Commons 3.0

    The new, much awaited version of the Creative Commons Licenses has been released. They are in the end unbiased towards non-US content publishers, among other improvements. You can just try out the nice license selector and enjoy the goodnees of copyleft artwork. 

  • Linux in Action: Pre-Installed Linux Options

    Per una volta, siamo riusciti a fare una cosa che riesce sempre tanto bene agli altri: una lobby. Il sito, in cui Dell chiedeva agli utenti di esprimere le proprie richieste per migliorare la sua offerta commerciale, è stato letteralmente sommerso da una unica, grande e incontentabile richiesta: Linux. Niente Windows preinstallato, software libero…

  • Compiling Stereo Photogrammetry Software

    Stereo is an old free photogrammetry software, that was developed in 1997 by Paul Sheer during his PhD. At the moment it's one of the few free software programs that do photogrammetry (correct me if I'm wrong), that was due to be integrated into GRASS but is now stuck. Yesterday I found out that errors…